March 1, 2022

Hello, I hope that you are all doing well and staying safe. Welcome to March! Although the ground was frozen this morning, the sun is shining now and the miniature daffodils are in bloom. That’s perfect timing for today, St. David’s Day, Welsh national day. Two parts of my name have Welsh ties. Megan is…

January 5, 2022

If you love World War Two mysteries, Medieval manuscripts, books about books, and forbidden love pick up your copy of Vow of Gold today! #FreeKindle for a very short amount of time! #WW2 #histfic Get your free Kindle copy here! Thank you for your enthusiasm and reviews! My best to you all, Megan

December 23, 2021

Wishing you all a beautiful, safe celebration of love, hope, and light! Here is this year’s poem.     My best to you all, Megan

December 11, 2021

I am thrilled to be shortlisted for the Hammond House International Literary Prize for poetry! This year saw a record-number of entries from over 25 countries and the theme was stardust. The full list of the shortlisted entries is here.  My best to you all, Megan

November 2, 2021

Hello! I’m very happy to share that Hearts in the Cards is now available around the world! Thank you for your continued enthusiasm for my writing and characters and for your reviews. They are so helpful and allow other readers to find me. This is my 14th novel that I’m launching, and every time is filled with excitement. I…

October 21, 2021

Hello! I’m honored to have North Star Home featured in the History Quill book recommendations newsletter today! North Star Home is currently at the special price of 99 cents for a limited time! Get your copy here. My best to you all, Megan

Newsletter: Make Sure You Don’t Miss Anything!

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