February 19, 2014

Hello!It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her work. Today, I’d like to share William Blake’s poem “To Winter”. To Winter William Blake (from Poetical Sketches, 1783) O winter! bar thine adamantine doors: The north is thine; there hast thou built thy dark Deep-founded habitation. Shake not thy roofs…

February 12, 2014

Hello!Today is Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her work. Today, we’re discussing Jane Austen: A Life by Claire Tomalin. What that means is that today’s Writer Wednesday is commentary on an author by another author and my commentary on that. The first Jane Austen that I read was Pride and…

February 10, 2014

Hello! Historical fiction as a genre tells the story of characters in the past with some level of genuine experience. That is, there is supposed to be a level of believability and realism. This definition is rather broad, though, and often encompasses other stylistic literary devices such as mystery, suspense,  or adventure as well. The…

February 5, 2014

Hello!It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. Today, I’d like to share with you Robert Frost’s poem, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”. I remember first reading this poem in fourth grade and being charmed by it. Years later, it’s still one of my favorites. Stopping…

February 3, 2014

Hello! On this day in 1870, the fifteenth amendment for the United States Constitution was ratified. Its significance is that all American men, regardless of race, were entitled to vote. There are three important things to consider.1) The Civil War had already ended five years before, when many assume that this right emerged. That testifies…

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