March 6, 2014

Today is Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s birthday and in honor of that, I’d like to share her Sonnet 43, which is perhaps her best known poem. It’s certainly the first encounter I had with her, through the magnet with the poem and the rainbow etched behind it that used to hang on our refrigerator. Living in…

March 5, 2014

Hello!It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her work. Today, I’d like to share with you a poem by Emily Dickinson. It’s short, only eight lines, but perfectly shows the transporting power of the word, the illustrative properties of a few constructed lines and the magic of literature. A…

March 3, 2014

Hello! Frozen’s wins at the Oscars is something I applaud. I enjoyed this movie greatly, more now even than I probably would have if you subtracted twenty years from my age. So, in my Twitter feed today, when I saw Harper Collins’ tweet, “Books for Kids that Loved Frozen” I took a look. That link…

February 26, 2014

Hello! It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her work. The real Georges Picquart  Robert Harris’An Officer and a Spy is a captivating story of the late nineteenth century Dreyfus Affair in France. It’s told in first person through Georges Picquart, an officer deeply connected to the events surrounding…

February 24, 2014

Hello!Where do you find what to read next? Perhaps, a cover jumps out at you from a book store. Maybe you have a friend who always provides the best recommendations. You might read widely across many genres, or maybe you have a few time-tested favorite authors that you return to repeatedly. To the left, you’ll…

February 21, 2014

Hello!It’s time for Friday Fun! In honor of Presidents’ Day this week, here’s a quiz about the presidents. How well do you know them? My best to you all,Megan

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