January 1, 2015

Hello!Welcome 2015! May this year bring you happiness, success, joy, love, peace, good health and many wonderful books to read! Photo Source  My best to you all, Megan

December 22, 2014

The Music of Christmas By: Megan Easley-Walsh December 2014  In the stillness of the morning Comes the dawning of the bells In the quiet of all nature The nightingale begins to tell There is music in all of Christmas from the branches of each tree Here below, where angels trod And where sheep bow on bended…

December 17, 2014

Hello! It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. Today’s book is The Real Saint Nicholas: Tales of Generosity and Hope from Around the World by Louise Carus. Santa is a popular part of Christmas. Just look in any mall, in several classic Christmas movies or on a…

December 16, 2014

From The Broke and the Bookish  Hello! On today’s top ten Tuesday, the theme is top ten books I’ve read this year. I’m going to restrict this to top ten books that I read for the first time this year and even that is difficult to do! I’m also not including books that are primarily…

December 10, 2014

Hello! It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. Today’s feature is The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words, 1000BCE -1492CE by Simon Schama. Hanukkah begins next week and celebrates the miraculous longevity of oil, a fundamental component of life, especially in a time before electricity. Words…

November 30, 2014

Hello! On the 1st of November, I wrote saying that this year for the first time I was participating in NaNoWriMo. My word count meter showed 0 of 50,000. I’m happy to say that on this last day of November, it now shows that I have successfully completed the NaNoWriMo challenge. Here’s my meter today….

November 27, 2014

Hello! Happy Thanksgiving!I’ve seen a lot about sales happening on Thanksgiving and whether one should go to them. Some people are very adamant. Here are my thoughts. Remember that the best you can give anyone is your time. With that in mind, it’s ok to shop for big sales- it’s great even that Americans are…

November 11, 2014

From The Broke and the Bookish Hello! Today’s Top Ten is “ten characters you wish would get their OWN book (minor or just maybe a semi main character you wish a book was from their POV)”.  Mr. Darcy- Pride and Prejudice Daisy- The Great Gatsby The White Rabbit- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland  Mina- Dracula Boo…

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